Get in Touch

Please get in touch via the form below, or call us on 01647 440968


Surgery 2, Moretonhampstead Dental Practice
1 Station Road, Moretonhampstead
Newton Abbot TQ13 8NQ

01647 440968
[email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday 9.00AM to 1.00PM and 2.00PM to 4.30PM
Tuesday 9.00AM to 1.00PM and 2.00PM to 4.30PM
Wednesday 9.00AM to 1.00PM (normal hours) and 2.00PM to 4.30PM (by appointment only)
Thursday 9.00AM to 1.00PM and 2.00PM to 4.30PM
Friday 9.00AM to 1.00PM and 2.00PM to 4.30PM
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Email Us

Please email me at [email protected] or use the online form below.
Fields (*) are required.
Please contact me via this website or email without disclosing confidential information.
Yes I consent to my personal data being collected and stored as per the Privacy Policy.*
Yes I consent to my personal data being collected and stored for the purpose of marketing communications.

How to Find Me

Disability Access

Our practice has access for disabled patients. We also have a disabled toilet. Please call the practice ahead of your visit to speak to our friendly team if you have any concerns. We will be happy to assist.

Emergency Contact Details

Please call 111 or Devon PCT out of hours contact 01392 823682.
Or I can be reached on my mobile 07950916691.

Feedback & Complaints

Please email me at [email protected] or use the online form below.
Fields (*) are required.
Please contact me via this website or email without disclosing confidential information.
Yes I consent to my personal data being collected and stored as per the Privacy Policy.*
Yes I consent to my personal data being collected and stored for the purpose of marketing communications.

Complaints Procedure

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