Time to smile


If you are lacking self-confidence in your smile there could be many reasons for this. Are your teeth crooked, missing, broken? Do you have stained teeth, or even bad breath? No matter the cause of your self-consciousness you may be searching for a treatment to revive your smile. If this applies to you it’s possible that you are unsure about which treatment is suitable for your smile makeover Newton Abbot. Our local dentist, Presh Mulay, is at hand to assess your personal needs and make suggestions of options which could meet the goals you have for your smile.

My teeth are crooked, can anything be done to help straighten them?

Absolutely! It is common knowledge that people desire to have straighter teeth, and maybe the smile makeover Newton Abbot you are looking for includes this. There are several different options for realigning your teeth, and our dentist would be delighted to discuss these with you, the patient. With you in mind and your input a care plan can be crafted to suit your individual needs in the treatment you wish to move forward with. During this discussion, it may be decided that the correct option for you is the use of SureSmile aligners.

What are SureSmile aligners?

SureSmile aligners are a method of realigning teeth. If this is the form of treatment that is settled upon, our dentist will initially do a 3D scan. This allows them to see every angle of each tooth in your mouth, including the root. Because of this technology, a plan can be constructed to move each individual tooth towards the desired position in your mouth. A number of consecutive clear aligners would be used to move the teeth progressively towards these end goals. The length of the process varies from person to person, and the steady movement of the teeth allows for minimal discomfort during the process of your smile makeover Newton Abbot.

Are there benefits to choosing SureSmile aligners?

SureSmile aligners may be beneficial to you in a number of ways. Of course, many people pursue a journey to straighter teeth for aesthetic reasons, and these aligners may just be the ticket to get you on that journey. As the aligners are clear and uniquely designed to fit your teeth they are not likely to be noticeable to people you meet. The fit is designed around your teeth so minimal discomfort is present along your gums. Because of this fitted feature, the aligners are unlikely to move as you are talking with friends and colleagues. SureSmile aligners are removable which may help you, the patient, to keep up with a good dental hygiene routine. This, along with regular dental check-ups can help to maintain overall cleanliness in your mouth and better long-term oral health. Your care plan is created by our appropriately qualified dentist, helping give you greater confidence in the treatment you receive. These aligners are intended to facilitate smiles that last. This means, in discussion with our dentist, you should be able to create an ongoing plan for how to maintain your new smile makeover. So, if you are hoping to increase the confidence you have in your smile, don’t delay, contact the dental practice of Presh Mulay today.