Orthodontics and well meshing bites


A well fitting bite is more than just a pretty smile. Let’s find out more about the importance of good dental alignment with our orthodontics Newton Abbot.

The cosmetics of finely aligned teeth should not be underestimated. As pleasant as they may be, straight teeth do actually serve a purpose. Too many adults who have missed the opportunity to receive orthodontic care in their teens end up assuming that it is too late for them to receive treatment at all.

This is simply not the case. You’ll find a wide range of orthodontics Newton Abbot being offered to patients of all ages. From traditional metal braces to transparent aligners, giving us the ability to tailor your treatment to you, meeting your needs, correcting misalignment whilst also considering what treatment methods would suit you and your lifestyle.

Temporomandibular joint disorder

Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Regular migraines?  Do you wake up with a sore jaw and have a habit of grinding your teeth overnight?  If any of this is true and you also have a dental misalignment, there is a very good chance that you’re suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder. It is a type of repetitive strain injury and is caused by the jaw being under additional stress attempting to compensate for your dental misalignment during everyday life as you eat and talk.

Over many years, these symptoms creep on and are usually unrecognised. This is because patients only report the most severe symptoms, such as migraines or sleep disturbance and will usually speak to a physician or GP about it, not their dentist. With no obvious cause of the symptoms, it can take a very long time for it to be diagnosed. But resolving the underlying misalignment with orthodontics Newton Abbot gives time for the jaw to recover and the other symptoms subside.

Adult cosmetic orthodontics

With the increase in low impact orthodontic treatment, you can now have an alignment performed on your teeth with little or no impact on your everyday life. The so-called impact or invisible braces focus on being convenient to use every day and are usually made from clear plastic or have a tooth or clear coloured brackets that attach any archwires to your teeth.

For many adults, the effort of wearing a traditional metal brace to correct a cosmetic misalignment simply did not make sense as the treatment was too inconvenient for too long, but these new alignment tools have proved to be very constructive when it comes to this kind of orthodontic issue.

Tooth Grinding

You may have heard of tooth grinding when you were growing up. It can be a bad habit, which it is but it’s also a symptom. Crunching or grinding teeth can sometimes happen during the day but often throughout the night is our body’s attempt to correct misaligned teeth, pushing down on those which are outstanding and trying to produce a better fitting bite. The damage it does to the upper surface of the enamel is substantial, thinning it and making it more susceptible to cavities and temperature sensitivity.

As well as correcting dental misalignment, we can also provide a set of mouth guards that will prevent the grinding and therefore stop any more enamel loss whilst the orthodontic treatment fixes the underlying issue.