Could A Smile Makeover Be Just What You Need This Autumn?

smile-makeover-newton abbey

Let’s be honest, it’s been a gloomy month, the cost of living and anticipation of energy bills has been a looming cloud dragging us all down. But now could be the moment to do something that sparks a little joy. A smile makeover Newton Abbery could be just what you need to take that autumn slump to a winter wonder and here’s why.

What Is A Smile Makeover Newton Abbey?

A Smile Makeover Newton Abbey is a treatment we offer where we put together a series of dental aesthetic treatments in order to create the smile of patients’ dreams. When we say put treatments together this could mean partnering some orthodontic work with whitening treatments, or a deep clean with a white filling and so on. The treatments chosen will very much vary cases to case and be driven by the patient’s unique goals.

Why Might Someone Go Looking For A Smile Makeover?

This is a super interesting question and one that has a heap of different answers which very much correlates to the patient we’re focusing on with any given treatment. But for the sake of this we can look at a few leading causes.

Number One – lifelong dissatisfaction. Lots of us reach adulthood with a set of teeth we aren’t happy with. For whatever reason we missed the chance to straighten teeth as youngsters and have consequently been unhappy with our smile ever since.

Number Two – Accidents or Trama. We see lots of patients who have suffered trauma to their teeth through accidental damage which has caused discolouration, chips or cracks. Sometimes even the work to fix the accident isn’t to the standard they want and so are looking for a more aesthetically pleasing solution.

Number Three – Aging. The older we get for the most part our teeth are in some way affected. Lots of us will lose teeth, see our teeth discolor, begin to show signs of chips and cracks and unfortunately poor quality teeth are a real easy way to show our age. Smile makeovers are able to tackle some of the signs and leave you with a younger looking smile.

When Might A Smile Makeover Not Be Right?

Really we would recommend always coming in for an initial consultation so we are able to fully assess your case and your needs before we can decide whether or not this is the right treatment path for you. If we think you are wanting to change your smile appearance for unhealthy reasons or want to change your teeth in a way that could be harmful then of course this treatment isn’t right for you.

It’s super important that even though it’s a smile makeover that you are managing your expectations and partaking in the treatment for the right reasons which is to enhance what you have not change who you are.

Want To Know More?

Get booked in for your initial consultation today! You can call, email or pop in whatever suits you best. One of the team will be on hand to help you in any way that they can.