Smile (not too) scarily this Halloween!


Halloween traces its origins from the early Celtic festival, Samhain.

This event heralded the end of summer and the harvest season, and welcomed the beginning of winter.

On Samhain, it was believed that the veil between the living and the dead became thinner, allowing spirits to visit the living.

The celebratory customs would include ritual bonfires, ‘mumming’ (folk plays) and ‘guising’ (essentially, fancy dress). Many of us now tend to still embrace the ‘spookier’ side of the holiday, watching scary movies and going trick-or-treating. And, of course, gorging ourselves on sweet treats!

What can you do? 

It’s especially important for adults and children alike to look after their oral health this Halloween. You don’t have to forgo sweets and chocolate entirely, but there are a few things you can do to avoid potential oral health issues.

Tip 1: Choose your poison wisely

Nowadays, the options for sweet treats are endless.

If possible, try to only eat sweets that are the lesser evil. For example, hard sweets, like lollies or those that are hard-boiled, can be tough on teeth. The same can be said for sticky treats, like caramel and gummies.

Plain chocolate doesn’t stick quite as stubbornly to the teeth and between the gums, so try replacing sweets with chocolate if you can. Or opt for more reduced-sugar or sugar-free options!

Tip 2: Time it right

How many of you are guilty of snacking on sweets throughout the day? At work/school, colleagues/students may share sweet treats around to get into the spooky spirit.

Your teeth will really feel the impact of so much sugar spread out over the day. Instead, you could try to limit when you and/or your family snack. For instance, keep it to after a meal. According to the British Dental Association, this is the ideal time to treat yourself, as there will be more saliva produced to wash away sugar and debris from your mouth.

Tip 3: Don’t skip the toothbrush

It’s vital to always maintain a good oral hygiene routine. This is especially so during Halloween.

Bear in mind, however, that when you have devoured your sweets after mealtimes, don’t brush your teeth straight away. Sugary treats are often highly acidic, which can actually soften your tooth’s enamel – brushing may cause further damage.

So, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing – and don’t forget to brush for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste and clean interdentally once a day!

Tip 4: Enjoy yourself

Be mindful this Halloween, but make sure you enjoy yourself, too!

Don’t ban sweet treats – simply be sensible when it comes to when you eat them and keeping your mouth clean.

Avoid an oral health horror story! 

Are you suffering from an oral horror story? Are there some improvements you’d like to make to your smile?

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Have a chat with the team to find out more today!